
Regularly deal with insolvencies?

Then you’ve found what you’re looking for on the insolvency portal. Our key topics are listed below:

If you’re looking for the latest insolvency proceedings, we can provide you with the optimal tools for this purpose. Find out about our different insolvency information packages here and test them today, for free and without obligation.

Insolvent customers or suppliers cause significant losses and consequential costs that can be limited by receiving information early on. Our risk protection overview explains how our automated solutions can limit your risk.

Processing and tracking insolvency proceedings is expensive and often not worth the trouble. Click here to find out how our solutions can provide you with worthwhile processing of your insolvency proceedings.

Communication with all parties to the proceeding is a formidable challenge for insolvency administrators and insolvency courts, due to the large number of cases. Click here to view the options we offer.

Benefit to you

Avoid risks & losses

Immediate information on insolvency proceedings can reduce or completely avoid economic losses in the event of bad debts or product risks.

Early knowledge = one-time opportunities

Organized, versatile and integrated data can massively accelerate and partially automate your own processes when it comes to managing receivables and processing insolvency proceedings.

Efficiency through automation

Strukturierte, flexibel nutzbare und integrierbare Daten können eigene Prozesse im Bereich des Forderungsmanagements und der Bearbeitung von Insolvenzverfahren massiv beschleunigen und teilweise automatisieren.

Top insolvency news in Germany

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Find more news on the insolvency topics page.

New informations from our insolvency database

This week’s corporate insolvencies

(Extract from the past few days)

Top insolvency law firms in 2015

(Based on preliminary insolvencies of corporations and partnerships)

For more information on current insolvency proceedings and additional statistics, see our“Insolvency” topic page.  Looking for individual evaluations? Feel free to contact us!

News from our Blogbeiträge

Insolvenz: der Veranstaltungskalender 2025

JANUAR 24.01.2025 | Sanierungsdialog Rhein-Neckar in der Kunsthalle Mannheim, ab 10:00, Veranstalter: bachert& partner, IMAP, SZA und Ernestus26.01.2025 | 48. Verbraucherinsolvenzveranstaltung Veranstalter ist die Arge Verbraucherinsolvenz und Restschuldbefreiung, Information und Organisation: DeutscheAnwaltAkademie. Mehr Informationen28.01.2025 | TMA Stammtisch Leipzig Das ist doch nichts...

§22a InsO Gläubigerausschuss

Wir stellen Ihnen in dieser Reihe insolvenzrechtliche Gesetze vor. Heute: der Gläubigerausschuss In der Zeit von der Insolvenzantragstellung bis zur Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens ist es Hauptaufgabe des vorläufigen Gläubigerausschusses den (vorläufigen) Insolvenzverwalter/Sachwaltersbeziehungsweise den Schuldner in Eigenverwaltungsverfahren zu überwachen und zu...


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